Since its first edition in 2013, Wall of Fame has become a major event at the Teenage Kicks biennial. This legendary wall on Boulevard Colombier was first painted in 2000 by the association Graffiteam and is now part of Rennes’ heritage. On September 21st and 22nd, around thirty national and international graffiti artists will perform their artistic magic on the 900 m2 surface, giving the public the opportunity to meet artists as they work.
This year will feature iconic names from the 1970s New York scene. As well as the performance, Teenage Kicks, in partnership with La Crémerie and Les Tombées de la Nuit, will be taking over the Le Colombier car park, with concerts (Bikini Gorge, Tchewsky & Wood), DJ sets, a graffiti initiation workshop for children (registration required) and food and drink options.