Photo : Roméo et Juliette © Pierre Giaferi
New Work
Romeo & Juliet
Collectif Lyncéus
(France / Brittany)
Participatory adaptation, in a soccer stadium, of civil war and romantic drama

Under the direction of Antonin Fadinard, the Côtes-d’Armor (Brittany)-based theatre collective has taken on its own version of the world’s most famous play… for a soccer stadium. Separated into two teams/families and two stands, blue for Romeo’s family, the Montagues, and red for Juliet’s family, the Capulets, the audience are the supporters in a theatrical match. On this open-air in-situ sports stage, the collective explores the mechanisms that make possible the civil war ravaging Verona in a Shakespeare rendition full of steam, violence and playfulness, with a massive, funny and stunning mix of the intimate and the collective.



The Lyncéus association has been based in Binic since 2012 and manages both a local artistic project and the artistic production of the Collective, which currently includes a group of thirteen people from various disciplines. Each year, it produces and organises contemporary writing and production residencies, rounded off with a show for the Lyncéus Festival in June. This adaptation of Romeo and Juliet came out of the desire to create by bringing together the collective’s artists for this 2022-23 season. Antonin Fadinard directed and staged the adaptation. After training at the École d’Art Dramatique Périmony (2006), he attended the Conservatoire National Supérieur d’Art Dramatique (CNSAD) in Paris and joined Collectif 49701, then Birgit Ensemble and worked with Gilles Bouillon and Lena Paugam. Alongside his acting career, he has written a dozen plays (including Les ronces, Un règne, La nef des fous, Les sidérées, which he also directed) and has been a member of Collectif Lyncéus since July 2015.


D’après le Roméo et Juliette de William Shakespeare, traduit et mise en scène par Antonin Fadinard – Julien Drion et Antonin Fadinard (dramaturgie et direction artistique), Robin Causse (assistant à la mise en scène), avec Fernanda Barth, Cécile Chatignoux, Pauline Coffre, Sébastien Depommier, Thomas Gourdy, Virgile L. Leclerc, Eugène Marcuse, Hélène Rencurel, Mathieu Saccucci et Damien Zanoly (interprétation), Antoine Layère (création sonore), Angèle Béraud (costumes), Ilona Jourdan (régie générale), Arthur Frick (régie son), Lucie Skouratko et Solange Thomas (production et diffusion).


Production : Lyncéus – Coproductions Le Fourneau, Cnarep, Brest – Pronomade(s), Cnarep, Haute-Garonne – L’Archipel, Pôle d’action culturelle, Ville de Fouesnant – Les Tombées de la Nuit, Rennes – Centre culturel Jacques Duhamel, Ville de Vitré – Le Quai des rêves, Lamballe – Théâtre du Champ au Roy, Guingamp. Avec le soutien de l’Etat – préfet de la région Bretagne – DRAC Bretagne.

Ce spectacle bénéficie de l’aide à la création dramatique de la Région Bretagne, du Conseil Départemental des Côtes d’Armor et de Saint-Brieuc-Armor- Agglomération. Il bénéficie également de l’Aide nationale à la création pour les arts de la rue de la DGCA. Ce projet est soutenu par l’ADAMI et la SPEDIDAM.

Billetterie en ligne
Thursday 06 July 2023
21:00 > 23:15
Complexe Sportif Rapatel, 3 rue de Rapatel
Friday 07 July 2023
21:00 > 23:15
Complexe Sportif Rapatel, 3 rue de Rapatel

10€ / 4€ Sortir !
Bus C2 : arrêt Calmette • Bus C1 : arrêt Villebois-Mareuil

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The association is supported by the City of Rennes, the Brittany Region, the Ille-et-Vilaine Department & the ministry of culture.

© TDN 2025