Photo © DR
Les Tombées de la Nuit, as part of Chants du Blosne presents
Recontres de Boîtes
Cie Kumulus
Participatory theatre for a box and made-up language

“You have been evicted. You have five minutes to gather up your most prized possessions in a shoebox…” Based on this idea, KUMULUS creates a temporary participatory theatre company, with workshops for around twenty local amateurs who share the stage with professional actors. RENCONTRES DE BOÎTES is a fascinating and daring adventure, exploring intimacy and communication.

Actors sit in twos, face to face around fifteen tables, while the audience freely walks around the minimalist scene. The first box is opened and a voice begins a five-minute monologue in an unknown language (known as “grommelot” (mumblish)). Gestures, looks, intonation, onomatopoeia and objects are used in snippets to give a partial and fragmented understanding of what is said. The box is closed and the audience begin to move around again. Another song rings out from a different table. The multiple voices of these expressive, transitory pairs are mingled and intertwined, repeated and answered, becoming a single choir, full of raw emotion that cannot be expressed in words.

In this free yet fragmented community, with a mix of professional and amateur actors, speech is released from the boxes like a flurry of moving stories that end up making sense together. Our view of the current exodus of migrants will probably receive a touch more humanity, a saving grace in this selfish and inward-looking age.


A show written and directed by Barthélémy Bompard, created and performed for the company by: Dominique Bettenfeld, Eric Blouet, Barthélemy Bompard, Thérèse Bosc, Jean-Pierre Charron, Céline Damiron, Marie-Pascale Grenier, Cyril Levi-Provençal, Dominique Moysan, Nicolas Quilliard and Judith Thiébaut, with the cooperation of around twenty residents.

Rencontres de Boites est un projet participatif qui se déroule en deux temps : Les ateliers de préparation (une trentaine d’heures) et les représentations.
Vous souhaitez prendre part à cette expérience théâtrale inédite et participer aux représentations des 25 et 26 mars ?
Nul besoin d’être comédien-ne pour se lancer dans cette aventure humaine, juste d’avoir envie de vivre ces rencontres et d’être disponible durant les ateliers et les représentations (quartier du Blosne)

Ateliers :
• le samedi 11 et le dimanche 12 mars : 10h-19h
• du lundi 13 au mercredi 15 mars : 19h-21h
• vendredi 24 mars : 19h-22h

Inscriptions / renseignements :
Marion Poupineau : 02 99 32 56 59
>>Téléchargez l’appel à participation ici ! <<

Place de Zagreb (métro Blosne)


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The association is supported by the City of Rennes, the Brittany Region, the Ille-et-Vilaine Department & the ministry of culture.

© TDN 2025