Photo : Portraits Nichés © Lénaïc Jaguin
New Work
Portraits Nichés – La Sonothèque Nomade
La Fausse Compagnie
Hear voices, songs and lullabies from all walks of life

Last summer, Carine Henry and Jérôme Bouvet travelled through Rennes with their Stroh violin carnival “instrumentarium”, collecting songs and lullabies from the people of Rennes and later inviting them to meet to hear them being sung in their Tisanerie Sonore, in the courtyard of the Langue et Communication association.

They’re back this summer, again in the quaint courtyard on rue Saint-Melaine, this time accompanied by Bastien Lambert from Compagnie L’Effraie.

Since May, echoing the collection of songs in La Sonothèque Nomade in 2020, the artist, who recently moved to the region, has been creating sound portraits of the residents of Rennes and the nearby municipality of Val d’Ille Aubigné, exploring the intimate relationship we develop with our own voice, our mother tongue and the memories that arise from them. During the festival, under the trees of the courtyard at the Langue et Communication association, “sonophones” or song boxes will let spectators hear voices, songs and lullabies collected in Rennes, inviting them to listen to real-life stories and the imaginary world created by these songs from all walks of life.

Last summer, Carine Henry and Jérôme Bouvet travelled through Rennes with their Stroh violin carnival “instrumentarium”, collecting songs and lullabies from the people of Rennes and later inviting them to meet to hear them being sung in their Tisanerie Sonore, in the courtyard of the Langue et Communication association.

They’re back this summer, again in the quaint courtyard on rue Saint-Melaine, this time accompanied by Bastien Lambert from Compagnie L’Effraie.

Since May, echoing the collection of songs in La Sonothèque Nomade in 2020, the artist, who recently moved to the region, has been creating sound portraits of the residents of Rennes and the nearby municipality of Val d’Ille Aubigné, exploring the intimate relationship we develop with our own voice, our mother tongue and the memories that arise from them. During the festival, under the trees of the courtyard at the Langue et Communication association, “sonophones” or song boxes will let spectators hear voices, songs and lullabies collected in Rennes, inviting them to listen to real-life stories and the imaginary world created by these songs from all walks of life.


La Fausse Compagnie

Created in 2007 in the Vals de Gartempe and Creuse area, La Fausse Compagnie brings together professional artists and people wanting to participate in intense and meaningful cultural events.

Alongside the national and international presentation of its shows VibratO, Le Chant des Pavillons and the recent 2020 productions Théâtrophone and La Sonothèque Nomade, the association provides a local artistic and cultural presence that supports human relationships and encounters.

In the coming years, La Fausse Compagnie plans to pursue experimenting with new forms of artistic sharing with the development of the Stroh Project, new collaborations and the cultural actions of Culture Vivace around Vienne, and the Folies Bastringue Festival.


Sono-auteur et autrice, interprètes : Carine Henry et Jérôme Bouvet
Production, sono-écriture : Muriel Pierre
Portraits nichés : Bastien Lambert
Création du projet Stroh : Thomas et Claire-Noël Le Saulnier
Construction de l’instrumentarium forain Stroh : Laurent Cadilhac

Dans le cadre d’une résidences de création in situ avec la Communauté de Communes Val d’Ille Aubigné (35) Coproduction Les Tombées de la Nuit, Rennes (35)

Thanks to Langue et Communication –

Saturday 03 July 2021
14:00 > 20:00
Langue & Communication et Centre Franco-Allemand, Rue Saint-Melaine, Rennes

Free • No reservation required
100 seats
More informations 02 99 32 56 56

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The association is supported by the City of Rennes, the Brittany Region, the Ille-et-Vilaine Department & the ministry of culture.

© TDN 2025