Photo : Placement Libre © Anne-Laure Etienne
New Work
Placement Libre
Collectif A/R
Indoor-outdoor choreography in a collective behaviour space
In 2018, the Lyon-based collective presented L'Homme de la rue, a face-off between two drummers and two dancers in a curious gestural, sound and rhythmic domino in public space. For their new production, which we’ve been supporting, Julia Moncla and Thomas Demay explore the act of walking and our place in common space. With their constant attention to the connections between dance and music, and the relationships between the collective and the body, the young company examines our behaviours in closed spaces or within an ephemeral community.

Whether on stage or in a public space, Collectif A/R continually explores the behaviour of collective bodies, performing new choreographies that combine “live” music and the dancers’ movements. This year, in parallel with their creative work for the stage on the perception of time and body rhythm (Everything is temporary), Julia Moncla and Thomas Demay examine our place in a common, closed and then open space. Experimenting with walking and its role in the interactions and encounters that take place during a journey, this new work uses the relationship between indoors and outdoors, with an active audience invited to move with the performance.

Change perspective, position yourself differently with respect to the two wandering bodies of the moving dancers, deviate, step aside, thwart the action, create a shift or leave the scene. Around them, recomposed classical music, a speech, a danced impulse, a popular song, an outburst… in a piece where the locations become scenes for new and intimate exploration for the bodies involved in the action.

Whether on stage or in a public space, Collectif A/R continually explores the behaviour of collective bodies, performing new choreographies that combine “live” music and the dancers’ movements. This year, in parallel with their creative work for the stage on the perception of time and body rhythm (Everything is temporary), Julia Moncla and Thomas Demay examine our place in a common, closed and then open space. Experimenting with walking and its role in the interactions and encounters that take place during a journey, this new work uses the relationship between indoors and outdoors, with an active audience invited to move with the performance.

Change perspective, position yourself differently with respect to the two wandering bodies of the moving dancers, deviate, step aside, thwart the action, create a shift or leave the scene. Around them, recomposed classical music, a speech, a danced impulse, a popular song, an outburst… in a piece where the locations become scenes for new and intimate exploration for the bodies involved in the action.


Collectif A/R

Collectif A/R was founded in 2012 after a fruitful encounter between dancers and choreographers Thomas Demay and Julia Moncla and percussionist Paul Changarnier while studying at CNSMD in Lyon. They blend live music (drums and percussion) with contemporary dance, with the aim of “confusing and mixing them in order to emphasise their uniqueness”. Their first in-situ performance, États des Lieux, continued these explorations in France and beyond, followed by a solo dance piece (Ma Présence est un mensonge) and then a third stage creation (Home). On stage or in public space, their desire to combine live music and contemporary dance has always been at the heart of their creative processes for L’homme de la rue (2018), Les îlots (2019), Everything is temporary (2021 production) and Placement Libre (2020 production). The collective also participates in workshops to raise awareness about modern dance and live music.


Conception, chorégraphie et interprétation : Thomas Demay et Julia Moncla
Musique : Paul Changarnier
Dispositif sonore et Régie son : Anouk Audart
Costumes : Emilie Piat
Extraits texte : d’après Placement libre de Ella Balaert, Edition des femmes Antoinette Fouque 2016
Regard extérieur : Sébastien Hervier et Marie-Lise Naud
Administration de production : Julie Duchènes
Production et diffusion : Marie Doré


Production Collectif A/R

Coproduction La Manufacture – Incubateur chorégraphique Vendetta Mathea, Aurillac / Théâtre d’Aurillac – Scène conventionnée / Conseil Départemental du Cantal / La Plateforme – Cie Samuel Mathieu, Toulouse / Les Tombées de la Nuit, Rennes / Quelques p’Arts – CNAREP, Boulieu-les-Annonay / Scène 55, Mougins / Pôle européen de création – Ministère de la Culture – Maison de la Danse de Lyon Accueil en résidence La Manufacture – Aurillac / La Plateforme – Espace 13bis, Rieux-Volvestre / Hors Limite(s) La Friche Artistique – Cie Pernette, Besançon / Quelques p’Arts – CNAREP, Boulieu-les-Annonay / Le Pacifique – CDCN, Grenoble / La Pratique, Atelier de fabrique artistique de l’Indre, Résidanses pluridisciplinaires, Vatan / Scène 55, Mougins Accueil studio CND, Lyon / Studio Lucien – Cie Propos, Lyon / Maison de la Danse de Lyon / Le Parapluie – CNAREP, Aurillac / Camp de base – KompleX KarpharnaüM, Vaulx-en-Velin / Pôle en Scènes – Pôle Pik, Bron Soutien Coups de Pouce – Les Amis de la Danse / Groupe des 20 – Scènes publiques Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.

Le collectif A/R est soutenu par le Ministère de la culture – DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes au titre de l’Aide à la structuration, par la Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes au titre de l’Aide aux équipes artistiques, par la Ville de Lyon au titre de l’Aide au fonctionnement.
Le Collectif A/R était en résidence chorégraphique territoriale 2018-2020, imaginée par la Direction de l’action culturelle du Conseil départemental du Cantal, co-réalisée avec le Théâtre de la Ville d’Aurillac – scène conventionnée et La Manufacture – Vendetta Mathea – incubateur chorégraphique, avec le soutien de la DRAC Auvergne Rhône-Alpes.

Thanks to la Salle de la Cité.

Saturday 03 July 2021
18:00 > 19:00
Salle de la Cité, 10 Rue Saint-Louis, Rennes
Saturday 03 July 2021
20:30 > 21:30
Salle de la Cité, 10 Rue Saint-Louis, Rennes
Sunday 04 July 2021
14:00 > 15:00
Salle de la Cité, 10 Rue Saint-Louis, Rennes
Sunday 04 July 2021
16:30 > 17:30
Salle de la Cité, 10 Rue Saint-Louis, Rennes

Free • No reservation required • The doors will open 30 minutes before the beginning of the show
120 seats
More information 02 99 32 56 56

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The association is supported by the City of Rennes, the Brittany Region, the Ille-et-Vilaine Department & the ministry of culture.

© TDN 2025