Photo : Aster © DR
L'Étage & les Tombées de la Nuit present
Les Petits Dimanches #5 – Les concerts jeune public de L’Étage
ASTER • Philippe Foch
Music  • For all ages
Cosmic solo

ASTER is the third instalment in a triptych exploring the physical and mental links between light and sound. It plunges us into darkness before revealing a microcosm, like a star awakening in the night, with drums, small Thai gongs, light sources, motors creating vibrations and more…

Philippe Foch, a musician specialised in Indian and Asian percussion, takes us on a journey through the birth of a world. Through trickery and magical apparitions, ASTER presents a history of space and time. It’s an immersive musical and visual experience for the (very) young and old alike.

ASTER is the third instalment in a triptych exploring the physical and mental links between light and sound. It plunges us into darkness before revealing a microcosm, like a star awakening in the night, with drums, small Thai gongs, light sources, motors creating vibrations and more…

Philippe Foch, a musician specialised in Indian and Asian percussion, takes us on a journey through the birth of a world. Through trickery and magical apparitions, ASTER presents a history of space and time. It’s an immersive musical and visual experience for the (very) young and old alike.

Sunday 06 April 2025
15:00 > 15:30
L’Étage, Rennes
Sunday 06 April 2025
17:00 > 17:30
L’Étage, Rennes

9€ Full price • 4,50€ Sortir ! price (available at Liberté's Ticket Office)

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The association is supported by the City of Rennes, the Brittany Region, the Ille-et-Vilaine Department & the ministry of culture.

© TDN 2025