Join Des Pies Chicaillent at La Petite Rennes worshop in La Courrouze for a resolutely pop Sunday.
The ever-bright Los Angeles sunshine reflects beautifully in the music of Peel Dream Magazine. This smooth funky music infused with 70’s drum machines, vibraphones and digital harps is the work of Joseph Stevens, a “mad professor” who turns his dreams into music. The proof is in their latest album, Pad, a wonderful work reminiscent of High Llamas or Stereolab. It’s the perfect medicine for the grey winters of Rennes.
Cool Sounds is the flagship project of Australian pop genius Dainis Lacey, and deftly shifts from indie-rock to 80s pop, upbeat funk and alt-country with a light touch that subtly conceals Lacey’s thoughtful and insightful songwriting.
Sold out
Sunday 05 February 2023
Atelier de La Petite Rennes, quartier La Courrouze, 42 Rue des Munitionnettes, Rennes
10€ full price, 8€ Des Pies Chicaillent & La Petite Rennes members price, 4€ Sortir ! price