Photo : Panique Olympique © Pierre Planchenault
Les Tombées de la Nuit present
Panique Olympique #6
Echoing the passage of the Olympic flame in Rennes
Compagnie Volubilis
Game on
XXL choregraphy
For all ages

On Saturday 1 June, 2024, in a nod to the 2024 Olympic Games, Les Tombées de la Nuit will present Panique Olympique #6 by the Volubilis Company, a larger than life choreographic show and the sixth part of a long-term project linking the Paris Olympics, and contemporary and amateur dance.

This huge urban ballet and collective choreographed irruption bringing together amateur dancers and non-dancers of all ages, will appear in Parc Saint-Cyr on the day the Olympic flame passes through the Breton capital (and before a performance of La très grande forme, a version of Panique Olympique bringing together a thousand dancers on the forecourt of Paris City Hall on 15 June 2024, as part of the Cultural Olympiad).

Panique Olympique explores the interplay between the technicality of athletic prowess and the poetic, sensitive movement of dance. The show takes shape on an earthen stage that has become a playing field. The dancers will tread the field until it becomes a track and field track, around which they will endlessly spin.

With the support of OARA – Office Artistique de la Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine

With the support of Direction régionale des affaires culturelles de Bretagne

Saturday 01 June 2024
17:00 > 18:30
Parc Saint-Cyr, 2 rue du Pré de Bris, Rennes


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The association is supported by the City of Rennes, the Brittany Region, the Ille-et-Vilaine Department & the ministry of culture.

© TDN 2024