Photo : Nous sommes de passage © Marianne Pichon
Les Tombées de la Nuit in the department
Nous sommes de passage
Laurence Poueyto / Compagnie Si tu t’imagines
History of our clothes

“Welcome to a flea market where you can discover the clothes worn by people we have met and who have left us a piece of their past.” Nous sommes de passage presents a one-of-a-kind flea market run by some unusual stallholders and an inspired musician. What tales do our old clothes tell ? What stories do these rags communicate ? What if theatre could bring back the dead ?

After Rennes in February, it’s time for Guipel and Saint-Sulpice-la-Forêt to welcome this new work of Compagnie Si tu t’imagines, in partnership with Les Tombées de La Nuit. An amazing show to discover absolutely.

Friday 03 May 2019
21:00 > 22:30
Salle des Loisirs, Guipel
Saturday 04 May 2019
21:30 > 23:00
Mairie de Saint-Sulpice-la-Forêt

5€ full price • 3€ reduced price • No reservation
More information 06 20 37 53 98

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The association is supported by the City of Rennes, the Brittany Region, the Ille-et-Vilaine Department & the ministry of culture.

© TDN 2024