Photo : Mirage (Un jour de fête) © Cie Dyptik
New Work
Mirage (Un jour de fête)
Compagnie Dyptik
360° immersive hip-hop dancing
At Les Tombées de la Nuit two years ago, Saint-Etienne-based choreographers Souhail Marchiche and Mehdi Meghari stunned everyone at Place Hoche with the intensity and power of their thirty-five minute dance performance, D-Construction. In this new production from Compagnie Dyptik, a choreographed piece for eight dancers, the metal grid structure has evolved into a stage performance symbolising Balata Refugee Camp near Nablus, in the West Bank, to share memories, representations and traumas. A new study in movement of the norms, audience relationship and dynamics of traditional dances.

The Saint-Etienne-based choreographers have been working in public space and the street since 2015. Today, they are continuing their creative work and formal study of dance based on movement and collective energy in its purest form, by going to the source. ”This was particularly striking at Balata Refugee Camp near Nablus, in the West Bank, where children performed the Dabke, an energetic, rhythmic and visceral traditional dance, a burst of euphoria, resilience and resistance,” explain Souhail Marchiche and Mehdi Meghari. A memory, a mirage that inspires this new artistic creation.

Fences, barbed wire, rusted metal sheets, hanging flags, coloured clothes, heads held high… in this installation, where the spectator once again shares the space with the performers around the concentric and collective force of traditional dances, “movement becomes a projectile denouncing suffering and injustice”. From the periphery to the centre, the performance space is a collection of stages where each individual is part of a whole where they can express their contradictions through an enraged solo, group energy, foot duo, unifying line dance, Dabke, hip-hop, and more.

The convergence of influences, quotations and images gradually come together to become the universal expression that is dance, with a passion and energy that are anything but a mirage.


Compagnie Dyptik

Regional dance company Dyptik was established in 2012 in Saint-Étienne by young choreographers Souhail Marchiche and Mehdi Meghari. Its dance work has dual roots, in hip-hop values and in creative dialogue with other aesthetics. In addition to their artistic work, the company is involved year-round in a number of cultural actions based around its creations, including the TRAX festival that it founded in 2014. It also opens the doors of its Saint-Etienne studios to artists and the public, making it a genuine centre for artistic residencies and performances. With En quête (2012), Dyptik (2014), D-Construction (2016), Dans l’engrenage (2017), Le Cri (2018) and now Mirage (2021), Dyptik examines the theme of identity and rebellion, and has established itself through a powerful and authentic brand of hip-hop dance, militating through its relationships with others, the body and communication. The dance company embodies a generation that rejects the inevitability of a fear-filled world and is building the pluralistic language of hip hop. In 2019, they received the SACD New Choreography Talent award.


Direction artistique et chorégraphie : Souhail Marchiche et Mehdi Meghari
Interprétation : Anabella Pirosanto, Alexandra Jezouin, Carla Munier, Yohann Daher, Charly Bouges, Camilla Melani, Konh Ming Xiong, Santiago Codon Gras
Création musicale : Patrick De Oliveira
Scénographie : Charles Boinot
Costumes & univers visuel : Julie Cherki


Production Cie Dyptik, HH Producties,  Cnarep Atelier 231 / Sotteville les Rouen, CNAREP Les Ateliers Frappaz / Villeurbanne, Cnarep Moulin Fondu – Cie Oposito / Garges les Gonesse, Cnarep Sur le Pont / La Rochelle , CCN de la Rochelle / Cie Accrorap,  Les Tombées de la Nuit / Rennes, Théâtre de Cusset, Institut Français d’Algérie, Institut Français du Maroc

Aide à la création “Écrire pour la rue” / SACD et Festival des 7 Collines (St Étienne) – “Aide Nationale à la création pour les arts de la rue” / DGCA

Avec le soutien Domaine de Bayssan / Béziers, Centre Culturel du Château de Goutelas / Marcoux, Le Fil – SMAC de St Etienne, la Ville du Chambon Feugerolles, la Ville de Sorbiers

La Compagnie Dyptik est conventionnée par la DRAC et la Région Auvergne – Rhône-Alpes, le Département de la Loire et la Ville de Saint-Étienne

La Compagnie Dyptik est artiste associé avec IADU La Villette et le Théâtre de Cusset / Scène conventionnée d’intérêt national «Art et Création» pour les Arts du Cirque et la Danse.

Thanks to Collège Échange –

Friday 02 July 2021
18:00 > 19:00
Collège Échange, Rennes
Entrance : 12, rue d’Échange
Friday 02 July 2021
22:30 > 23:30
Collège Échange, Rennes
Entrance : 12, rue d’Échange
Saturday 03 July 2021
18:00 > 19:00
Collège Échange, Rennes
Entrance : 12, rue d’Échange
Saturday 03 July 2021
22:30 > 23:30
Collège Échange, Rennes
Entrance : 12, rue d’Échange

Free • No reservation required • The doors will open 30 minutes before the beginning of the show
250 seats
More informations 02 99 32 56 56

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The association is supported by the City of Rennes, the Brittany Region, the Ille-et-Vilaine Department & the ministry of culture.

© TDN 2025