Perhaps you’ve already noticed the strange monumental murals covering the blank scaffolding tarpaulins between Quai de la Prévalaye and Boulevard de la Liberté in Rennes? They are the work of artist VINCENT GLOWINSKI. After working in the underground street art scene under the name BONOM, during which his tortured bestiary spontaneously found its way onto inaccessible walls in Paris and Brussels, VINCENT GLOWINSKI broke free of his two loves to paint and perform under his real name. At the invitation of Tombées de la Nuit and the renovations company SNPR, which provides his workspace (with the permission of building owners, of course!), VINCENT GLOWINSKI has been exploring anatomy through his classic and contemporary interpretations, and helping us remember to keep our eyes open!
Perhaps you’ve already noticed the strange monumental murals covering the blank scaffolding tarpaulins between Quai de la Prévalaye and Boulevard de la Liberté in Rennes? They are the work of artist VINCENT GLOWINSKI. After working in the underground street art scene under the name BONOM, during which his tortured bestiary spontaneously found its way onto inaccessible walls in Paris and Brussels, VINCENT GLOWINSKI broke free of his two loves to paint and perform under his real name. At the invitation of Tombées de la Nuit and the renovations company SNPR, which provides his workspace (with the permission of building owners, of course!), VINCENT GLOWINSKI has been exploring anatomy through his classic and contemporary interpretations, and helping us remember to keep our eyes open!