The Escales Africaines festival (renamed Les Petites Escales Africaines this year given the smaller context), produced by Compagnie Dounia, is an event dedicated to African performing arts, promoting local and international artists whose DNA, hearts or lives are linked to the African continent, as they share their culture and strike a balance between tradition and constant and vibrant change.
The festival is a window into current artistic creation rooted in a multicultural Africa connected to the rest of the world!
This Sunday, Compagnie Dounia is presenting an afrobeat concert with live dancing band Kinyonga, highlights from dance and percussion workshops with Bandjougou Coullibaly and Baba Touré, an African dance circle, a tribute to Mamady Keïta and Koungbanan Condé, and a special children’s event (face painting, henna tattoos, etc.).
Come and join in the fun as we celebrate the diversity of African performing arts.