Photo : Les Classiques du Grami © Grami
Les Classiques du GRAMI
1 Montreur d’Ours
Mobile, electronic and educational concert
A solid wood table, two chairs, a stereo sound system and a power supply make up the minimalist installation for the all-terrain mobile synthesizer version of the Classiques du GRAMI.

Part street concert and part chamber music, two performers, both instrumentalists and orchestra conductors, present a sound journey across several centuries, showcasing the greatest classical melodies of all time.

This fresh and modern interpretation of history’s most beautiful pieces offers a new way to enjoy these universal composers and to emphasize the timeless quality of their masterpieces.

As electronic music invades our sound space, the aesthetic fusion created in Les Classiques du GRAMI, puts the synthesiser and classical music in the spotlight.

In this world of modular synthesizers, sequencers and drum machines, the composers mix with the capacitors and clocks give the tempo. It’s a risk, with new sound experiences and varying natural acoustics that suddenly invade the theatre realm.

Part street concert and part chamber music, two performers, both instrumentalists and orchestra conductors, present a sound journey across several centuries, showcasing the greatest classical melodies of all time.

This fresh and modern interpretation of history’s most beautiful pieces offers a new way to enjoy these universal composers and to emphasize the timeless quality of their masterpieces.

As electronic music invades our sound space, the aesthetic fusion created in Les Classiques du GRAMI, puts the synthesiser and classical music in the spotlight.

In this world of modular synthesizers, sequencers and drum machines, the composers mix with the capacitors and clocks give the tempo. It’s a risk, with new sound experiences and varying natural acoustics that suddenly invade the theatre realm.


1 Montreur d’Ours 

After Rad (mobile artisanal bAR), Piccolo Mobile Disco (micro cassette musical atmosphere creator) and the electro-oneiric travel diaries of Yaser Sonus (2017), the 1 montreur d’ours company invented this music and instrument research and analysis group (Groupe de Recherche et d’Analyse de la Musique – GRAMI), a strange laboratory that studies sound synthesis to create curious shows combining theatre, installation art and electronics. Yann Servoz, Mathieu Ogier and Vincent Petit (who all worked together in Minifocus, and two of whom worked in 2 Rien Merci and Monofocus) offer three different formats: mini GRAMI, a concert followed by a workshop for school children, the theatrical and musical installation L’histoire probable de la musique électronique and Les classiques du GRAMI, a mobile all-terrain synthesizer concert of the most beautiful classical music, currently under development and set to premiere at Les Tombées de la Nuit.


Écriture, programmation et interprétation : Yann Servoz et Mathieu Ogier
Laborantines : Raphaëlle Rabillon et Agathe Fontaine


Production 1 montreur d’ours.
En Coproduction avec Les Tombées de la Nuit – Rennes, le Théâtre Sénart – Scène Nationale
Accueil Studio : Les Subsistances, Lyon 2018-19
Avec la complicité du Festival Yeah ! – Lourmarin
Avec le soutien de la Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Thanks to l’Hôtel Pasteur – & Langue et Communication –

Saturday 03 July 2021
17:00 > 17:45
Hôtel Pasteur, Rennes
Dans la cour
Saturday 03 July 2021
20:00 > 20:45
Hôtel Pasteur, Rennes
Dans la cour
Sunday 04 July 2021
12:00 > 12:45
Langue & Communication et Centre Franco-Allemand, Rue Saint-Melaine, Rennes
Sunday 04 July 2021
16:00 > 16:45
Langue & Communication et Centre Franco-Allemand, Rue Saint-Melaine, Rennes

Free • No reservation required • The doors will open 30 minutes before the beginning of the show
100 seats
More information 02 99 32 56 56

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The association is supported by the City of Rennes, the Brittany Region, the Ille-et-Vilaine Department & the ministry of culture.

© TDN 2025