Photo : Les classiques du Grami © Grami
New Work
Les Classiques du GRAMI
1 Montreur d’Ours
Portable educational electronic concert
For personal reasons, the concerts of "Les Classiques du GRAMI" are canceled

This conference-concert came out of an encounter between theatre directors and researchers from GRAMI (Research and Analysis of Music and Instruments Group) and takes us to the heart of the action in “l’histoire probable des musiques électroniques” (probable history of electronic music). This interpretation of “the most beautiful examples of the classical repertoire”<:em> presented by 1 Montreur d’Ours (featuring Yann Servoz and Mathieu Ogier from Monofocus and 2 Rien Merci) will be performed for the first time at Les Tombées de la Nuit in its portable duet version.

A solid wood table, two chairs, a stereo system and power supply is all that Yann Servoz and Mathieu Ogier’s minimalist system comprises for the portable off-road synthesiser version of the conference-concert Les Classiques du GRAMI. These two researchers from the Research and Analysis of Music and Instruments Group are both instrumentalists and conductors. They take the audience on a journey through sound over several centuries, presenting a fresh and updated electronic interpretation of the best-known classical pieces. These versions show these universal composers in a new light and highlight the timeless dimension of their work.

Electronic music may have taken over our modern soundscape, but GRAMI’s aesthetic blend strikes a paradox by showcasing both synthesiser and classical music. In this world of modular synthesisers, sequencers, drum machines, theremins, tape recorders and oscilloscopes, the composers mix with capacitors, the clocks set the tempo and the magnetism of the tapes extends into metaphysics. This performance is no stranger to risk-taking, with new sound experiments and varied natural acoustics that take over the world of theatre.


Following on from Le RAd (mobile artisanal bar), Piccolo Mobile Disco (micro musical ambience tape player) and the Yaser Sonus dreamy electronic travel journals (2017), 1 Montreur d’Ours founded the Research and Analysis of Music and Instruments Group (GRAMI), a strange laboratory for studying sound synthesis in order to create unusual shows with a blend of theatre, installation and electronic music. Yann Servoz, Mathieu Ogier and Vincent Petit (who have already worked as a trio in Minifocus, and two of them as a duo in 2 Rien Merci and Monofocus) propose three different forms: the mini GRAMI, a concert followed by a workshop for school children, the theatrical and musical installation L’histoire probable de la musique électronique (probable history of electronic music), and Les classiques du GRAMI, a portable off-road synthesiser concert presenting the most beautiful examples of classical music, which will be performed for the first time at Les Tombées de la Nuit.


Écriture, programmation et interprétation : Yann Servoz et Mathieu Ogier.
Laborantines : Raphaëlle Rabillon et Agathe Fontaine.


Production : 1 montreur d’ours.
En coproduction avec Les tombées de la Nuit – Rennes, le théâtre Sénart – Scène nationale
Accueil Studio : les subsistances, lyon 2018-19.
Avec la complicité du festival Yeah ! – Lourmarin
Avec le soutien de la région Auvergne – Rhône-Alpes

Saturday 06 July 2019
12:30 > 13:10
Parc du Thabor, Kiosque, Rennes
Saturday 06 July 2019
17:00 > 17:40
Cloître de L’Église Saint-Mélaine, Rennes
Sunday 07 July 2019
11:30 > 12:10
Chapelle du Conservatoire, 30 rue Hoche, Rennes
Dans la cour
Sunday 07 July 2019
15:45 > 16:25
Théâtre du Vieux Saint-Etienne, Rennes
Sur le parvis


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The association is supported by the City of Rennes, the Brittany Region, the Ille-et-Vilaine Department & the ministry of culture.

© TDN 2025