LE CHANT DES SIRÈNES is a virtuoso ensemble of artistic and technological prowess, using robotics, acoustics and mechanical instrument-making. The seven “sirens” (one piccolo, two sopranos, two altos, one tenor and one base) recreate the power and sensitivity of authentic musical instruments. These strange melodic flowers, which will be seen in the meadows around Canal Saint Martin, are inspired by traditional warning sirens, but have been re-imagined to sound like human voices, cellos, oboes and other polymorphous sounds.
Avec Seb Martel (guitare) et Laurence Meisterlin (percussions) Franz Clochard (direction artistique)
Samedi 2 juillet :
Sieste musicale : 15h30-16h / 23h-23h30
Live : 18h-18h45 / 20h30-21h15
Dimanche 3 juillet :
Sieste musicale : 17h-17h30 / 21h-21h30
Live : 15h-15h45 / 19h-19h45