Some are already familiar with the characters and will be delighted to rediscover Claudine, Gérard… and their methods for collective meetings of the Label Vie cooperative. Others will discover a strange and surprising kind of forum theatre, where the boundaries between actor and audience blur in a collective encounter with a lot of talking.
Welcome to this Weekly Regulation Meeting (RRH), where we discuss the success of the roundabout renovation cooperative that is now turning a profit. What should they do with the various tools used to improve life within the community? How can they place well-being at the heart of the individual and collective approach? What should they do with the Little treats fund, for which “anything is eligible providing it makes life more beautiful within the means at our disposal”?
This simple issue obviously escalates into a crisis, in a chaotic moment featuring arguments, poetry, bad faith, harmful misunderstandings, the collective, the individual, inequalities, utopias and democracy. Everything that underpins the society we live in is presented here with delicacy, humour and irreverence.
Compagnie Gravitation was formed in Besançon in 1994, with a collective and very humorous way of working, based on one key idea: culture cannot belong to a mere handful of specialists. It therefore designs performances for audiences far removed from theatrical codes and performance venues, gradually moving away from a “traditional” stage-based approach towards one with a notable lack of gimmicks and aesthetic tools (costumes, set, lighting, etc.) With productions such as Now Futur 2, Coopérative Label Vie, Sur Le Fil, Horribilis, Le Village D’à Côté and Vendez Tout, the company seeks out new methods of social exploration, as a way to give new life to a form of engaged theatre. Compagnie Gravitation is passionate about politics, utopia, democracy, harmful systems – so in short, about society. It has already performed Mr Kropps twice at Les Tombées de la Nuit, and is back this year with a new piece that presents the next chapter in this caustic collective utopia, Label Vie, l’effet papillon.
Création collective de et avec : Florent Blanchot, Max Bouvard, Olivia David Thomas, Fabien Thomas et Jean-Charles Thomas.
Metteur en scène : Jean-Charles Thomas