Photo : La Rentrée des Classes © Panique!
L’Écomusée du Pays de Rennes, Les Tombées de la Nuit & l’association Clair Obscur, as part of Les Journées Européennes du Patrimoine, present
La Rentrée des Classes & La Foire Agricole
Vincent Patar et Stéphane Aubier
(Belgium / France)
Open air cinema

La Rentrée des Classes (Back to School) (2016 • 26 mins • Animation)
Indian and Cowboy are about to set off on a magnificent cruise on a luxury liner, but they have made a big mistake. They have completely forgotten that today is the first day of school! Goodbye tropical islands, as our despairing friends find themselves back in the classroom, that is, until the principal tells them about a big contest to welcome the new geography teacher, Mr Youri…

La Foire Agricole (The Agricultural Fair) (2019 • 26 mins • Animation)
Indian and Cowboy have worked hard and done really well in their school exams. As a reward, Horse has bought them VIP tickets for the Big Agricultural Fair. As he heads out of the lounge to go get the tickets, he trips on a skateboard and bangs his head. Horse ends up in hospital and he’s lost his memory. He can’t remember where he hid the tickets! Indian and Cowboy begin a race against the clock to try and get hold of their precious passes…

This showing will be preceded by a short subject film from the Cinémathèque de Bretagne: Ah, la vache!, an amateur film by Jean Le Du (9 mins).

Please note that there is no shelter in case of bad weather.

Saturday 19 September 2020
20:30 > 22:00
Écomusée du Pays de Rennes


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The association is supported by the City of Rennes, the Brittany Region, the Ille-et-Vilaine Department & the ministry of culture.

© TDN 2024