Photo © DR
I’m From la Nuit
Les classiques du GRAMI • The Nerds • La Douch’Box
Et un peu le jour
For everyone

The Doblo Mountain Boys (FR)
Coming together in the fall of 2018 and rallied around their common love for accoustic music, a strong desire to sing and to play Bluegrass and Irish folk music, the trio The Doblo Mountain Boys is engaged in a quest for « ultimate speed »…

The Nerds – Cover Brass Bands (BE)
These four inhibited, asocial and clumsy individuals leave Belgium with three wind instruments and a small drum kit wearing dubiously elegant glasses, shirts and suits… offering a brass band rendition of the Rocky theme tune, Britney Spears and Pharrell Williams hits.

La Douch’Box – La Sophiste (FR)
We’ve all sung in the shower. The Douch’Box is an unexpected, quirky and private karaoke booth. You can go alone or with your friends and sing your heart out !

Saturday 06 July 2019
17:00 > 18:00
Cloître de L’Église Saint-Mélaine, Rennes
The Doblo Mountain Boys
Saturday 06 July 2019
22:15 > 23:15
Cloître de L’Église Saint-Mélaine, Rennes
The Nerds – Cover Brass Bands
Saturday 06 July 2019 > Sunday 07 July 2019
23:15 > 01:00
Cloître de L’Église Saint-Mélaine, Rennes
La Douch’Box – La Sophiste

Station de Métro : Sainte-Anne • Lignes de Bus : C3, arrêt Thabor - 31, arrêt George Sand - C1, C5, 9, 11, arrêt Sévigné • Station Vélo : Saint-Georges / Place Hoche

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The association is supported by the City of Rennes, the Brittany Region, the Ille-et-Vilaine Department & the ministry of culture.

© TDN 2024