Photo : I Killed the Monster © Sandrine Hernandez
I killed the monster
RoiZIZO Théâtre
Zany object theatre for a few little serial murders
Object theater
From the age of 9

In Brognon, a small village in northeastern France, everything is going well for Daniel until he agrees to be a guinea pig for some blue pills made by an American pharmaceutical laboratory… By subverting the codes of B horror films and dislocating reality, actor, manipulator and puppeteer Gildwen Peronno performs a delightful show packed with humour and farcical discoveries, on a simple table using everyday objects. Small-scale grandiose art in a delightful fable dedicated to the right to be different!


> GILDWEN PERONNO / RoiZIZO théâtre (France)

Gildwen Peronno is co-director of RoiZiZO théâtre, and an actor, puppeteer and manipulator, a jack-of-all-trades who thrives in that area on the edge of art and craft that is object theatre. After studying anthropology, he co-founded this company with Julien Galardon in 2008, at the same time as ZUP (Zone d’utopie poétique). This gave him the opportunity to experiment with a wide range of performance techniques, including solo and collective creations, large and small stages, actors, puppets, shadow theatre and more. He ultimately fell in love with object theatre and its infinite variations, also performing for Compagnie Bakélite (La caravane de l’horreur), Compagnie Animatière (Les Discrets, Sur la route), and Compagnie Tenir Debout (Disparaitre). RoiZIZO théâtre specialises in shows with limited staging and has created Maillot Jaune, L’Affaire Finger, Clémence de Clamard, Celle qui marche loin, I Killed the Monster, Sploutch, Guichet des anonymes, and more.

Saturday 06 July 2024
15:00 > 15:30
Parc Saint-Cyr, 2 rue du Pré de Bris, Rennes
Saturday 06 July 2024
18:00 > 18:30
Parc Saint-Cyr, 2 rue du Pré de Bris, Rennes
Saturday 06 July 2024
20:30 > 21:00
Parc Saint-Cyr, 2 rue du Pré de Bris, Rennes
Sunday 07 July 2024
15:00 > 15:30
Parc Saint-Cyr, 2 rue du Pré de Bris, Rennes
Sunday 07 July 2024
18:00 > 18:30
Parc Saint-Cyr, 2 rue du Pré de Bris, Rennes
Sunday 07 July 2024
20:30 > 21:00
Parc Saint-Cyr, 2 rue du Pré de Bris, Rennes

Métro ligne b : arrêt Mabilais • Bus 2, 11, 12, 19, 53, 54, 55, 56, C4 : arrêt Chèques Postaux • Vélo Star : Chèques Postaux

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The association is supported by the City of Rennes, the Brittany Region, the Ille-et-Vilaine Department & the ministry of culture.

© TDN 2024