In this performance from Swiss artist, Georg Traber, sub-titled “skyward-reaching quest for knowledge”, a temporary tower will rise into the sky over Rennes. Circus artist Julian Bellini patiently erects a 10-metre high structure using forty-seven 3-metre long, 5-cm thick ash-wood poles simply roped together, gliding smoothly up and down the fragile wood labyrinth with dexterity. The fascinating solitary construction and deconstruction involves suspended balance and weightlessness in time.
In this performance from Swiss artist, Georg Traber, sub-titled “skyward-reaching quest for knowledge”, a temporary tower will rise into the sky over Rennes. Circus artist Julian Bellini patiently erects a 10-metre high structure using forty-seven 3-metre long, 5-cm thick ash-wood poles simply roped together, gliding smoothly up and down the fragile wood labyrinth with dexterity. The fascinating solitary construction and deconstruction involves suspended balance and weightlessness in time.