To celebrate its 150th birthday, the Société des Régates Rennaises-Aviron will be holding a parade of historical river and sea boats on the Bassin de la Prévalaye, between the Jardin de la Confluence and Place de la Mission, including steam-powered dinghies, French canoes (including “La Cigogne”) and Canadian canoes (1927), périssoires, rowing yoles for 4 to 8 rowers, a triplette, a sailing/rowing dinghy, a whaleboat, dories, kayaks, a flat-bottomed boat, single-oar sculls, a yole d’Abovile (sea rowboat), etc. A range of modern sailing practices will also be on show, backed by a brass band on water and followed by an open-air dance on the banks of the River Vilaine.
Photo © DR
Les Tombées de la Nuit & la Société des Régates Rennaises present
Grande Parade Nautique
Parade of historical river and sea boats