The trapeze is used as a universal language, a mode of expression and, above all, a form of challenge. Both on stage and up in the air, the artists play, take flight and land, with impressive physical prowess and a daring sense of risk. They play with space, sound and the elements, making light of them and demonstrating the force of their slogan that “effort can make you tremble, and trembling can be beautiful”. Dru is about doing things seriously without taking yourself seriously. It’s nothing and everything, all at the same time.
In 2018, Anna Le Bozec embarks on new adventures and is replaced, in Dru, by Hanna de Vletter.
Both artists deliberately take a sensitive, intuitive and fun-loving approach, first taking time to get in tune with each other, before gradually drawing the spectators into a whirlwind experience that pushes the limits of breathing, physical effort, fear, risk, danger and control.
This energy, vulnerability, freshness and sensitivity combine to generate a beautiful air-borne and ground-level circus performance.
La June was established in June 2015 as a vehicle for Anna Le Bozec and Samantha Lopez’s first piece. The two founders are trapeze-artists and singers, who co-wrote and perform Dru, with writing input from Sylvain Cousin and Benjamin de Matteïs. The show won the Beaumarchais SACD circus writing prize in 2017.
Samantha Lopez taught circus arts at the Nimes circus workshop Turbul, before following the trapeze course at the Cirqule Theatre School in Geneva. She toured with the Dare d’Art company, as a duo with Majestic Tribu (2012), and as a solo artist with Salmehoz Panta (2013). She then joined the musical theatre shows Go Ouest, Les Triplettes de Belleville (2014) and later the Defracto company for Dystonie (2016).
In 2018, Anna Le Bozec left for pastures new, and is replaced in Dru by Hanna de Vletter, who also performs in the show Départ Flip by Compagnie Virevolt.
In 2018, Anna Le Bozec embarks on new adventures and is replaced, in Dru, by Hanna de Vletter, also a performer in Flip by Virevolt company.
Co-auteures : Anna Le Bozec, Samantha Lopez.
Interprètes : Hanna de Vletter, Samantha Lopez.
Regards / Aide à la mise en scène : Benjamin de Mateïs, Sylvain Cousin.
Regard complice : Johan Swartvagher.
Régie générale : Camille Coutant.
Création lumière : Alrik Reynaud.
Costumes : Solène Capmas.
Construction : Guillaume Roudot.
Graphisme / dessin : Ingrid Fischmann, Anna Le Bozec.
Administration/diffusion : Ay-Roop.
Accompagnement : Studio de Toulouse – PACT, dispositif mutualisé Lido-Grainerie.
Coproductions : Ay-roop, Scène de territoire pour les arts de la piste / La Cascade, PNC Ardèche / La Verrerie, PNC Occitanie, Ales.