Rennes musician Denis Poulain (drummer with Kind Of Guru) invites his Rennes partners in crime Joris Prigent (keys with Tago Mago, performed at Les Tombées de la Nuit in 2022) and Fabien Cariou (sax with Güz II) to join him on an instrumental voyage to the frontiers of jazz, rock and electro. Between feverish whirlwinds and cosmic contemplation, these three musicians create a curious musical world that could easily be the soundtrack to a cult sci-fi film, like Plan Nine From Outer Space (one of their references). This cucumber won’t leave you cool!
Saturday 06 July 2024
Parc Saint-Cyr, 2 rue du Pré de Bris, Rennes
Métro ligne b : arrêt Mabilais • Bus 2, 11, 12, 19, 53, 54, 55, 56, C4 : arrêt Chèques Postaux • Vélo Star : Chèques Postaux