Photo : Canevas, point de croix et tralala © Loran Chourrau
New Work
Canevas, point de croix et tralala
La Soi-Disante Cie / Valérie Véril
Theatrical tapestry for a handicraft market
After working for years as an actor with well-known troupes like Royal de Luxe, 26000 Couverts and Philippe Decouflé, Valérie Véril established her own company in 2015 to create her bilingual sign language piece, Attifa de Yambolé, followed by the diptych Quelque part au milieu de la nuit (2018). For the past two years she has developed a passion for tapestry and cross-stitching, and has embroidered this beautiful one-woman show around her needlework in a small format piece full of humour, self-depreciation, tenderness and finesse.

A former actress attempts to change careers later in life by creating embroidered handicrafts and decides to do a performance to attract more people. We immediately understand the autofiction behind this new production from Valérie Véril. Under the tent of her stand, in the middle of a small handicraft market, the actress and director uses the tapestry that she creates live to explore a series of overlapping themes, such as artistic creation, the relationship with work, aging, malaise and existential angst. In this staged cross-stitch performance of life as it goes, fragmentary words are released in a “flow of consciousness”, calmed by the hypnotic movements of the needle. Considerations, qualms, realisations and shameless confessions follow one after the other with the perfect level of self-depreciation in view of the intimacy shared in public space.

However, Valérie Véril also raises questions about the links between consumerism and art, the value of craftsmanship and art professions, and the return to the joy of DIY as a connection with our ancestral values. Without realising it, and as if by magic, under the cross-stitch needles and in the midst of the “embroidered works”, while continuing to play off the rules of live performance, a whole world of reflection and intimacy takes shape in this tapestry infused with quirkiness and humour, or Canevas.


Valérie Véril

Writer, actor and director, Valérie Véril, worked with the street companies Royal de Luxe and 26000 Couverts for thirty years. She has also been an actress, dancer and director for Philippe Decouflé’s D.C.A. Company, Solange Oswald and Le Groupe Merci, Le Phun, La Compagnie des Femmes à Barbe, Les Brigands, Laurent Pelly, Les Cyranoïaques, Cirkatomik, Projet 816, and Les Sœurs Placard. Her career led to her own texts, when in 2012, she developed Attifa de Yambolé in a show that humorously addresses the themes of unconscious racism and racial prejudice. In 2015, she founded her own company, Soi-disante, to work with deaf actress Delphine Saint-Raymond in order to develop a sign language version. In 2018, she created the diptych Quelque part au milieu de la nuit, with a script by Daniel Keene and a film which she co-directed in collaboration with Erik Damiano and Valérie Leroux. She’ll be taking her new production, Canevas, on the road in June 2021.


Écriture, jeu et mise en scène : Valérie Véril
Collaborations artistiques à l’écriture et à la dramaturgie : Hélène Sarrazin et Muriel Bénazéraf
Collaboration artistique à la mise en scène : Christophe Laffargue dit Garniouze
Scénographie et construction : Matthieu Bony
Son : François Boutibou
Régie : Olivier «Rital» Magni

Thanks to l’École Jean Zay

Saturday 03 July 2021
18:00 > 19:15
Parc du Thabor, cour de l’école Jean Zay, Rennes
Sunday 04 July 2021
17:00 > 18:15
Parc du Thabor, cour de l’école Jean Zay, Rennes

Free • No reservation required • The doors will open 30 minutes before the beginning of the show
200 seats
More information 02 99 32 56 56

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The association is supported by the City of Rennes, the Brittany Region, the Ille-et-Vilaine Department & the ministry of culture.

© TDN 2025