Photo : Big data yoyo © L'Amicale de production
New Work
Big Data Yoyo
Sébastien Vial & Arnaud Boulogne / L’Amicale
Digital fable for two
Lille-based artists Arnaud Boulogne and Sébastien Vial set up in the town of Hédé-Bazouges in March, then in a small square on an estate in Rennes, to prepare this outdoor digital theatrical fable that explores the world of metadata and the Big Data in tutorials. Premiering at Les Tombées de la Nuit, Big Data Yoyo definitely falls into the quirky, touching and funny category, with exquisite writing and acting that explore the pseudo-knowledge that inundates our day-to-day practices.

In 2042, characters named Claude and Octave are on a quest for independence, and plunge head first into tutorials, those videos with completely diverse and varying content and quality meant to bring us unlimited knowledge and skills in just a few clicks. A bit like director Morgan Spurlock, who, in Super Size Me, ate nothing but McDonald’s food for a month, Arnaud Boulogne and Sébastien Vial decided to use nothing but the Internet to learn how to do everything in life.

How do you appropriate, distort or reject objects, techniques, uses, distances, institutions, and ways of being together?” ask the two artists. In a permanent learning space, this poetic yet crazy journey obviously reveals the limits, excesses and absurdity of the world. Is it all doomed to failure, this search for knowledge in all directions, the joy of learning and of learning how to do things, the desire for autonomy and “doing things yourself” in order to get away from consumer society?

In an hour-long performance, with all the sensitivity and finesse of Arnaud Boulogne and Sébastien Vial’s writing and acting (already evident in the magnificent Germinal and On traversera le pont une fois rendu à la rivière), Big Data Yoyo invites us to reflect on this together, unleashing a representative sample of the Big Data that makes up the knowledge of our time.

In 2042, characters named Claude and Octave are on a quest for independence, and plunge head first into tutorials, those videos with completely diverse and varying content and quality meant to bring us unlimited knowledge and skills in just a few clicks. A bit like director Morgan Spurlock, who, in Super Size Me, ate nothing but McDonald’s food for a month, Arnaud Boulogne and Sébastien Vial decided to use nothing but the Internet to learn how to do everything in life.

How do you appropriate, distort or reject objects, techniques, uses, distances, institutions, and ways of being together?” ask the two artists. In a permanent learning space, this poetic yet crazy journey obviously reveals the limits, excesses and absurdity of the world. Is it all doomed to failure, this search for knowledge in all directions, the joy of learning and of learning how to do things, the desire for autonomy and “doing things yourself” in order to get away from consumer society?

In an hour-long performance, with all the sensitivity and finesse of Arnaud Boulogne and Sébastien Vial’s writing and acting (already evident in the magnificent Germinal and On traversera le pont une fois rendu à la rivière), Big Data Yoyo invites us to reflect on this together, unleashing a representative sample of the Big Data that makes up the knowledge of our time.



Created in 2010 by Antoine Defoort, Julien Fournet and Halory Goerger and based in Lille and Brussels, l’Amicale is an artisanal cooperative for performance projects, a meeting platform that shares production, administration, dissemination and logistics resources to produce cross-cutting art forms mixing the performing and visual arts. Arnaud Boulogne is a visual artist trained in cinema at the University of Lille. He combines his video and Super 8 research with his musical activities (L’Objet avec Julien Harpagès), and works in collaboration with the Tantôt, Métalu à Chahuter, and L’Amicale de production companies (Germinal, Corps Diplomatique, On traversera le pont une fois rendu à la rivière). Since his beginnings, Sébastien Vial has combined philosophy and the visual arts, and is a self-proclaimed “experimenter”. He has notably participated in Municipal Bal (Compagnie On Off), France DistractionCollectif Jambe and the production On traversera le pont une fois rendus à la rivière.


Conception, réalisation et jeu : Arnaud Boulogne et Sébastien Vial
Regard extérieur, direction d’acteurs : Sofia Teillet
Collaboration artistique : Arnaud Verley
Production : Camille Bono pour L’Amicale
Administration et logistique de tournée : Kevin Deffrennes et Thomas Riou
Régie générale : Grégoire Plancher


Coproduction : Les Tombées de la Nuit – Rennes, Culture Commune – scène nationale du Bassin Minier du Pas de Calais, L’Atelier 231 – Centre National des Arts de la rue et de l’Espace public.

Avec l’aide de la DRAC Haut de France dispositif Plaines d’été, et le Réseau Européen In Situ

Avec le soutien du Théâtre de Poche- Hédé Bazouges, La Maison Folie Wazemmes – Lille

Thanks to Square Louis Armands’ habitants.

Saturday 03 July 2021
15:30 > 17:00
Square Louis Armand, Rennes
Saturday 03 July 2021
18:30 > 20:00
Square Louis Armand, Rennes
Sunday 04 July 2021
15:30 > 17:00
Square Louis Armand, Rennes
Sunday 04 July 2021
18:30 > 20:00
Square Louis Armand, Rennes

Free • No reservation required • The doors will open 30 minutes before the beginning of the show
120 seats
More information 02 99 32 56 56

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The association is supported by the City of Rennes, the Brittany Region, the Ille-et-Vilaine Department & the ministry of culture.

© TDN 2025