Photo : Appuie-toi sur moi © Hippolyte
New Work
Appuie-toi sur moi
Cirquons Flex
(Reunion Island / France)
Acrobatic tale for the chinese pole in an open-air tent
Virginie Le Flaouter and Vincent Maillot, from Reunion Island, where their company has been based for more than ten years, have worked with author, actor and director Gilles Cailleau to create this circus tale that brings the spectators close to the action. The acrobatic duo work with a Chinese pole and circus ring in an open-air circus tent, combining aerial and ground work to explore the mutual support and risks of being a couple – both in life and in the circus. The two performers invite the audience into the intimacy of their lives, creating a moving tale that deliberately blurs the boundaries between the ring and the audience.

Cirquons Flex has a track record of shows that blend circus, music, dance, text and images, but this new creation is probably their most intimate performance yet – and paradoxically the most universal too. With scenography and scriptwriting by Gilles Cailleau (Compagnie Attention Fragile), the couple (in real life as well as on stage) audaciously let us into the strange coincidences of their unlikely encounter. They offer a tale in motion, combining voices and bodies, acrobatics, movement and theatrics as the story is told. The performers explore themes of need, absence, perversity, impermanence, dependency and becoming trapped.

The spectators are gathered on two rows of seating, five metres away from the Chinese pole around a circular open-air ring, with a backdrop designed to reflect Reunion Island’s ring-like natural calderas, and are brought in to the intimate tale and movement of the show. Virginie Le Flaouter and Vincent Maillot draw on their ten years of artistic adventures as a couple, sharing and questioning the things that help them move forward in life.

Appuie-toi sur moi is new for the Tombées de la Nuit festival, and will be revealing its full emotive power for three nights in the schoolyard at Collège Échange, the first time the festival has used this venue.

Cirquons Flex has a track record of shows that blend circus, music, dance, text and images, but this new creation is probably their most intimate performance yet – and paradoxically the most universal too. With scenography and scriptwriting by Gilles Cailleau (Compagnie Attention Fragile), the couple (in real life as well as on stage) audaciously let us into the strange coincidences of their unlikely encounter. They offer a tale in motion, combining voices and bodies, acrobatics, movement and theatrics as the story is told. The performers explore themes of need, absence, perversity, impermanence, dependency and becoming trapped.

The spectators are gathered on two rows of seating, five metres away from the Chinese pole around a circular open-air ring, with a backdrop designed to reflect Reunion Island’s ring-like natural calderas, and are brought in to the intimate tale and movement of the show. Virginie Le Flaouter and Vincent Maillot draw on their ten years of artistic adventures as a couple, sharing and questioning the things that help them move forward in life.

Appuie-toi sur moi is new for the Tombées de la Nuit festival, and will be revealing its full emotive power for three nights in the schoolyard at Collège Échange, the first time the festival has used this venue.


Virginie Le Flaouter (Montreal National Circus School) and Vincent Maillot (self-taught) met in Reunion Island and established their company Cirquons Flex in 2007, inventing a new form of circus on this French island in the Indian Ocean. The two artists draw on their experiences of residencies in various neighbourhoods and schools around the island, on encounters with neighbouring countries, from where various inhabitants of this melting pot island hail, such as India, Africa, Madagascar, China and mainland France, and on exchanges with other artistic disciplines. The fascinating island group has worked since 2015 under agreements with the Regional cultural affairs department for Reunion Island, the Ministry of Culture and the Saint-Denis municipality, developing a local circus style that speaks of contemporary Réunion, with shows such as De l’autre côté, Points de suspension, Dobout an bout, Dékadré cirk en Zékli and La Pli i donn.


Auteurs : Virginie Le Flaouter, Gilles Cailleau, Vincent Maillot.
Interprétation : Virginie Le Flaouter, Vincent Maillot.
Metteur en piste : Gilles Cailleau (Cie Attention Fragile).
Création musicale, interprétation : Sébastien Huaulmé, Vincent Maillot.
Création lumière : Christophe Bruyas.
Regard chorégraphique : Marion Brugial.
Scénographie : Cirquons Flex / Endemik architecture Traitements bambous /
Conseils scénographiques : Alain Cadivel.
Régie générale : Sébastien Huaulmé.
Administration, production : Laure Denis.
Production : Cirquons Flex.

Thursday 04 July 2019
22:00 > 23:00
Le Grand Collège, Rue d’Échange, Rennes
Friday 05 July 2019
22:00 > 23:00
Le Grand Collège, Rue d’Échange, Rennes
Saturday 06 July 2019
22:00 > 23:00
Le Grand Collège, Rue d’Échange, Rennes

5€ / 2€ Sortir !
Station de Métro : Sainte-Anne • Lignes de Bus : C1,C5,12, arrêt Sainte-Anne - 31, arrêt Dinan • Station Vélo : Sainte-Anne

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The association is supported by the City of Rennes, the Brittany Region, the Ille-et-Vilaine Department & the ministry of culture.

© TDN 2025