Photo : Aplanatarium © DR
Les Tombées de La Nuit & L'opéra de Rennes present
Cirque ici / Johann Le Guillerm
Hypnotic observatory of soaring objects
After the giant self-supporting architectural sculptures of La Transumante and La grande Transumante presented at Les Tombées de la Nuit in 2017 and 2020, Johann Le Guillerm will be back in Rennes with Aplanatarium. This 15-metre high open tower structure will be set up in the magnificent Opera for contemplation of the perpetual movement of suspended and falling objects in a random and hypnotic ballet. With this “observatory of soaring objects”, created as part of “Attraction: a season with Johann Le Guillerm” in Nantes in 2017, the artist continues his explorations, inventions and developments around perspectives, in a work that once again borders on circus, art installation and object theatre. Here, he even invites the audience to participate in creating these soaring objects.

From the top of the 15-metre tower, objects hover in suspension, fall through a trapdoor and are continuously recovered in mechanical trays activated by pulleys that carry them back to the top to resume their fall. Spectators, young and old, will be invited to make some of these objects themselves using materials provided by the artist before seeing them take flight.

In the suspended time and distended gravity of L’Aplanatarium, each “aplanant” (floating object) has its own shape, size and material, determining its random fall, trajectory and unique choreography. In a poetic installation exploring the movement of falling bodies suspended in the air, over time, this uninterrupted dance of paper feathers forms infinite bounds of natural movements, like falling leaves, cascading water and achenes in the autumn.

Here, circus performer and balancing artist, builder, manipulator and maker of objects, Johann Le Guillerm, develops one of multiple avatars, one of multiple forms that illustrates his exploration of balance and imbalance, of the disorder of the world and the possibilities of a new arrangement into poetic order. Somewhere between performing arts, performance and visual art, his unique world of evolving installations pursues work focused on deconstructing and rebuilding the world to invent another one that is unique, funny, fascinating and wonderful.


Johann Le Guillerm

Johann Le Guillerm is a graduate of the first year of the French National Centre for Circus Arts (CNAC). He toured with Archaos, then helped create Volière Dromesko, before co-founding Cirque Ici in 1994 for his first solo show, Où ça? During a trip around the world, he came face to face with the world’s handicapped, traumatized and autarkic imbalances, and in 2001, began the long-term project, Attraction. His search explored balance, shapes, perspectives, movement and impermanence that materialised into various evolving formats (objects, shows, sculptures, performances) depending on their names: Observatoire, Architextures, Imaginographes, Transumante, Broglios, Droliques, Imperceptibles, Évolution Élastique. Defining himself as a “practitioner of the range of points of view” this off-the-beaten path artist has been awarded the Grand Prix National du Cirque (1996), the Prix des Arts du Cirque SACD (2005), the Grand Prix SACD (2017) and has been at the Jardin d’Agronomie Tropicale in Paris on a research residency since 2011.


Création : Johann Le Guillerm
Étude et conception technique : Mario Goffé
Construction : Jean-Marc Bernard et François Corbal aux Ateliers du Grand T, Nantes.

In partnership with l’Opéra de Rennes –


Sunday 04 July 2021 > Tuesday 13 July 2021
Opéra de Rennes, Place de la Mairie, Rennes
Sunday : 2pm > 7pm • Saturday : 4pm > 9pm • Week : 3pm > 8pm

Free • No reservation required
More information 02 99 32 56 56

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The association is supported by the City of Rennes, the Brittany Region, the Ille-et-Vilaine Department & the ministry of culture.

© TDN 2025