The bodies of the dancers and acrobats in this strange, shifting architecture are constantly moving and evolving, as if seeking an unattainable collective equilibrium. The Chinese poles shift, highlighting their vertical nature, with vocal and cello music providing a rhythmical soundtrack. The bodies in motion appear to test out all the combinations possible in a succession of precarious tableaux. With “A Corps Perdus”, the Bordeaux-based troupe provide a transcendent performance combining circus, dance, music, graphic interplay and a quest for weightlessness that pushes the boundaries.
The bodies of the dancers and acrobats in this strange, shifting architecture are constantly moving and evolving, as if seeking an unattainable collective equilibrium. The Chinese poles shift, highlighting their vertical nature, with vocal and cello music providing a rhythmical soundtrack. The bodies in motion appear to test out all the combinations possible in a succession of precarious tableaux. With “A Corps Perdus”, the Bordeaux-based troupe provide a transcendent performance combining circus, dance, music, graphic interplay and a quest for weightlessness that pushes the boundaries.
Maryka Hassi (mise en scène), Benjamin Lissardy (assistant mise en scène), Maureen Brown (scénographie), Erwan Leguen (composition/interprétation), Benjamin Lissardy, Gaëtan Dubriont, Nhât-Nham Lê, Maureen Brown (Mâts chinois), Charlie Marey/Corentin Diane (acrobaties), Paul Herzfeld ou Nat Whittingham (trampoliniste), Patrick Cathala (création lumière), Raphaël Quillart (régisseur général), Camille Furon (régisseuse lumière), Aline Froux (costumière)