New Work
Photo : © Rouge Merveille © Christophe Acker
Compagnie Rhizome / Chloé Moglia
Olga Dukhovna
(France / Ukraine)
Jennifer Dubreuil Houthemann
Compagnie Les ombres portées
Le G.Bistaki
Compagnie C'hoari
(France / Brittany)
Compagnie C'hoari
(France / Brittany)
Collectif Lyncéus
(France / Brittany)
Comp. Marius
Anne-Sophie Turion
Les films du Macadam
Nicolas Buysse, Greg Houben & Matthieu Van
Compagnie Version 14
Patrice de Bénédetti
Jordi Galí / Compagnie Arrangement Provisoire
(Spain / France)
Tristan Kruithof
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The association is supported by the City of Rennes, the Brittany Region, the Ille-et-Vilaine Department & the ministry of culture.

© TDN 2024